Copy definition: An imitation or reproduction of an original; a duplicate: a copy of a painting; made two copies of the letter. Select the text or the image to copy and press Ctrl+C, also you can click with the right button and choose copy or just go to menu Edit option copy.
Cut definition: Computer Science To remove (a segment) from a document or graphics file for storage in a buffer. Select the text or the image to cut and press Ctrl+X, also you can click with the right button and choose cut or just go to menu Edit option cut.
Paste definition:Computer Science To insert text, graphics, or other data into a document or file. Go to the area you want to put the text or the image to paste and press Ctrl+V, also you can click with the right button and choose paste or just go to menu Edit option paste.
Import definition: Computer Science To receive (data) into one program from another. Select the file or the object to import and go to menu Insert option Object and then in the program you want to import that file.
Example: You draw a hhapy face in Paint Brush but you need it in PowerPoint or Microsoft word or in WordPad, you click in the menu Insert, Object
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